Why is Donald Trump incapable of turning off his caps lock?

Donald Trump's use of caps lock in his tweets and public statements was often seen as a stylistic choice rather than a technical incapability. Trump's frequent use of caps lock could be attributed to several factors:

1. **Attention-grabbing**: Caps lock tends to make text stand out and can grab attention more effectively than lowercase text. Trump may have used it to emphasize certain points or to ensure that his tweets were noticed amidst the vast amount of content on social media.

2. **Emphasis**: Trump's communication style often involved emphasizing certain words or phrases to convey strong emotions or convictions. Caps lock allowed him to do this more visibly.

3. **Consistency with Branding**: Trump's branding often emphasized strength, confidence, and assertiveness. Using caps lock consistently across his tweets could have been part of maintaining that image.

4. **Personal Preference**: It's possible that Trump simply preferred the aesthetic or readability of caps lock for his messages. 

While some people found Trump's use of caps lock off-putting or unprofessional, others saw it as part of his distinctive style and a reflection of his direct and unfiltered communication approach.


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